Sunday, 21 February 2016

Drawing Inspiration. My work and theirs


My work was inspired by Carolina Melis' detail in some of her work. I did some drawing with the sewing machine and some sewing by hand, in some of her work she does sewing. In one of her pieces she had a detailed bird and it reminded me of my drawings with the sewing machine when looking at this piece of hers, I'm not entirely sure what reminded of my work when looking at this piece of hers, but looking at some of the detail on this bird of hers it reminded me of my drawing with the sewing machine, i think it might have been the thread i used because i sewed it all over the birds i was doing and the sewing lines came out really dark and thick and this is what her drawing of this bird reminds me of in my own work. I really like how the sewing lines came out in my drawings with the sewing machine, I like how when looking at this bird of Carolina Melis' reminds me of my own work.

My work was inspired by Migy's bright use of colour. I did some collages which i stuck onto an A1 sized page, some of them are really bright. When looking at Migy's work her's is really bright and some of the colours i used for my collages were really bright too and i used for most of them human eyes as their eyes (the birds eyes), Migy uses bright colours and she also made some of her work cartoonish, dressing her birds up as humans in human clothes. I used human eyes for the birds eyes and bright colours for some of my collages.

My work wasn't too inspired by Peter sis' work. In one of his pieces he used a large range of different birds and gathered them all together onto one giant bird, i used a large range of different birds well doing my experiments. I can only say that using a large range of different birds was the inspiration i got from him.  

My work was inspired by Saul Steinberg's choice of using different types of paper. I did some mono printing for some of my experiments and when doing these prints i decided to use different tpes of paper to see what effects i could get. I used normal plain paper, tracing paper, squared/ graph paper etc. from doing this i could see what effects came out when using the papers. I found that this was different and good to see what outcomes you can get when trying something different in your work.


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